Thursday, 9 January 2014

A bumpy start...

2014 hasn't had the most flying of starts for me. I joined the majority of the country welcoming New Years morning with a shitter of a hangover, but those are easy enough to shift with a good home cooked meal and the first episode in the new season of Sherlock (which I am finding very witty as always but am thus far a little disappointed with, although my love for Benedict Cumberbatch is not so easily tainted; I remain hopeful).

However, not 4 days into the new year, just as I had broken into a light jog to retrieve my phone from another room, my forehead had a brutal collision with a low hanging beam in a friend's house (made all the more brutal by yet another hangover). Trying to laugh it off as just another example of my buffoon-like clumsiness, soon my whole head felt as if it was imploding and bouts of nausea ensued. As with any head injury, this set alarm bells ringing and next thing I know an ambulance was sitting in our drive and its whole team came rushing into my room.

Fortunately there was no critical damage, just a bit of whiplash and a banging headache (huge relief- dying from your own extreme clumsiness is not glamorous AT ALL). Feeling as if my start to the new year couldn't really get any worse, that night I swigged down my dose of ibuprofen and went on my merry way to the land of nod. Oh how wrong I was. Lo and behold, I awoke the next morning, not only from the hideous self-induced headache, but with an agonisingly sore throat and feverish symptoms.

72 hours later, I'm pretty sure I have just endured feeling the most unwell I ever have in my life. Let alone the effects of my idiotic entanglement with a beam, which included pain in my neck, spine and even my kidneys (?!), the pressure in my ears was slowly building, I was oscillating between shivering cold and boiling hot, and my tonsils were making life a living hell. As many of you will know from reading this blog, food is a huge part of my life and therefore happiness. With tonsils swollen to the size of 2 small bowling balls, breathing, let alone eating, was an impossibility. After a few very tearful and pathetic days, an extended course of antibiotics and a mountain of cocodamol later, I am almost back to feeling normal and am determined to make 2014 memorable for more than its disastrous beginnings.

In light of this and in order to move forward, one must take stock and look back at all the good achieved and memories created in the year past. So, as a way of remedying my shocker of a start to 2014, here are some of my favourite moments of 2013- all wrapped up in a cheesy homemade slide show- to remind you and me that some of our happiest moments are yet to come. Here's to a happy new year (preferably away from A&E). 

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